Thursday, June 18, 2009

A person's value

I’m in sales line, being productive is very important for it’s the core of the entire company.
So situations where I’m unable to deliver what was promise I felt discourage and start to question on self worth.

How do one judge a person’s worth?
Bank balance?
Contribution to the society?
How you look or dress?
How much you are being love?
What position you held?
What title you are carrying in front of your name?
I do not know.

Here I am, dejected, demotivated and stressed out. Am I doing the right thing, am I making the right conversation with my customers, is the strategy effective or am I just plan useless.


Then suddenly I remember one verse on value of a 50 dollar note, “No matter how crumpled or dirty it is, 50 dollar is still worth 50 dollars.”


I may be crumpled due to stress and I may have bit dirt on my execution, but I still have knowledge, experience, soft skills, perseverance, and willingness to work hard. These qualities make me who I am today and it will bring me where I want to be in the future.

For those who question on self-worth during challenging time please do remember:
“No matter how crumpled or dirty it is, 50 dollar is still worth 50 dollars.”